
The Handbook of Japanese Verbs


The Handbook of Japanese Verbs

A guide designed to master the most essential verbs of the Japanese language. Containing over 2,800 verbs, this comprehensive reference book equips learners with the knowledge necessary to live and work in Japanese society.

Inside you will find:


2800 Japanese verbs from basic to beyond the JLPT N1.


Japanese Thesaurus with over 4100 synonyms to target verbs.


Japanese and Chinese readings over of 1000 kanji.


2600 Japanese sentences with English translations.


Japanese ⇄ English Verb Dictionary.


An overview section to test ability to recall vocabulary.


Verb conjugation charts for quick reference of all tenses.


Over 4300 English definitions and expressions.


Nouns, adjectives and adverbs which colorfully compliment verbs in practical use.


Review sections to test reading ability.


Practice charts to gauge writing ability.

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Learn Japanese and experience Japan


UNDERSTAND, READ and SPEAK Japanese today by creating a solid foundation to reach advanced levels effortlessly. With The Handbook of Japanese Verbs as your guide, you will discover verbs and synonyms systematically using a collection of essential vocabulary. Synonyms are written next to target verbs to help establish concrete links between them. Over 2600 example sentences with English translations are provided to highlight practical use of target vocabulary. Example sentences are intermediate to advanced levels to ensure that even students who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 (JLPT N1), will have plenty to learn and grow from.

The Handbook of Japanese Verbs targets students and professionals who would like to optimize their communicative ability. While everyone can benefit from this handbook, we have found that those with at least one semester of Japanese instruction or its equivalent will gain the most of their experience.

UNDERSTAND, READ and SPEAK Japanese today by creating a solid foundation to reach advanced-levels effortlessly. With The Handbook of Japanese Verbs as your guide, you will discover verbs and synonyms systematically using a collection of essential vocabulary handpicked to help establish concrete links between related verbs. Over 2600 example sentences with English translations have also been provided not only to highlight practical use of target vocabulary, but also to illustrate use of these verbs in conjunction with probable nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Example sentences are intermediate to advanced levels to ensure that even students who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1 (JLPT N1), will have plenty to learn and grow from.

The Handbook of Japanese Verbs targets students and professionals who would like to optimize their communicative ability. While everyone can benefit from this handbook, we have found that those with at least one semester of Japanese instruction or its equivalent will gain the most of their experience.

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